Sunday, 21 April 2013

Holiday! day #4

Hello Lovelies!

So the next day of the holiday we spent at Walt Disney Studios! I was still sooo excited and bouncing off the walls it was unbelievable, the best feeling in the world is waking up in Disneyland. Seriously I could live there. So we did the usual get up supper early and headed to breakfast which was a continental buffet. Note that if you go to Disney and get this breakfast eat lots and take lots on your plate to make little sandwiches because if you are anything like me you will be on a budget and probably forget to sit down and actually eat because you are too excited so packing little snacks is good! I put lots of cereal bars in my handbag and they came in very handy!  

We got to the studios as soon as it opened, we used our magic hours and went in Disneyland first, I got a couple of keyrings and we went on a couple more rides then we decided to man-up and go on the Tower Of Terror!!

Now when I was younger at Halloween there were two films that were always on (obviously Disney) Hocus Pocus (which I still watch every Halloween to this day!) and The Tower Of Terror. To see the trailer click here and to actually watch the whole movie via youtube click here. So the story is that in this hotel in the '30's 5 guest got into a lift and as they were going to the 13th floor the tower was struck by lightning (you can the detail on the picture) and they were taken to the twilight zone. You go through the hotel and are lead to the service elevators and you queue up to go on (We stood in row 4 which meant you were sat at the back, YES) you strap yourself in and you drop a little, great I was already pooping my pants I hate big rides why did I decide to go on this!?!?, and then you go through the hotel and see the ghosts and your elevator goes up to the top, the doors open and you can see the whole of the studios and into Disneyland and then you drop. Like proper drop, you lift off your seat, and this occurs a few times and I was screaming like a banshee honestly but it was such an adrenaline rush I want to do it again!!!

Once I was able to walk again (serious jelly legs after that ride) we walked through the park and headed for the animation studios

Right opposite the animation there was a monsters inc photo op and a scream meter so you could scream into the jars and try to fill them like in the film, yes they were for kids but we had to have a go!!

This is what I drew! So you go in and you learn about the history of animation and the history of Walt Disney Animation and have a show about character concept and design and then there is an interactive room where you can learn to draw your favourite characters play with colour, movement, shape, light, sound etc I did this last time and I am pretty sure I sat in the same spot! We then headed over to see stitch live and it was awesome and I think stitch is adorable!!! I love him <3 as we came out we suddenly turned around and all these characters appeared

LOOK WHO WALKED PAST ME!! IT IS SNOW WHITE. I may have yelped a little....

I actually hopped and jumped to take a picture of Ariel!!!

After that excitement we decided to get our spot for the Disney Stars 'n' Cars parade which there are some pictures below!

so after the parade, around tea time we headed back through Disney village to do some shopping and we went into some shops in the studios (I didn't get much when in Disneyland as i would have to take it all on the rides so would buy things in the evening) but the first thing I bought while we walked back was a big Eeyore for my mum, She loves Eeyore and I like to get her one from everywhere I go and I got her a sort of big (the size of a pillow) really soft one and he was the most important piece of luggage I kept saying I need to get one and we made sure he was packed (not squished) before we left I got a couple other things but I can do a haul post if you would like and include stuff from Paris and London. So we headed back got our bags and waved bye the Disneyland, I didn't want to go home.

Once we got back to Paris I needed to get some Bioderma and I couldn't find it anywhere no pharmacies had it but as we were in the station back in Paris I just happened to nip in one and it was there! So I got a couple for me and my friend Lea.

Nothing much exciting happened that night, the hotel guy at the desk remembered us and we got the same room as last time (SCORE!!) and we ate at the same cafe on the corner!

we have 2 more days to go before we got home so I will see you for another post soon!!




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