So as I was in London and did lots of touristy things I had to do a bit of shopping, now this isn't like normal shopping it was shopping at gift shops mainly! To get momentos (if that is even how you spell!) of the trip!
So, let's start at the beginning of the trip and What I bought at The Lion King:

Starting from the top left corner, there is the programme from the show. Now every time I see a show I make an effort to at least get a programme to keep with all my others to keep a record of all the shows I have seen. Top right, sort of underneath the programme is a zip up hoodie, these were selling out fast and i have always fancied a zip up hoodie with a show logo on it that I can wear and it is just so comfy! Sort of bottom right/middle is the souvenir programme that came with the other one which again is something I get from every show I go to!! The bottom left is a t-shirt I bought completely by impulse! the guy serving me had one on and they were only in for the Jubilee weekend and they are the softest t-shirt I have ever felt!! Loved the fact it was a 'Keep Calm' style top which I am seeing a lot of on everything!! On top of the t-shirt there is a key ring of Simba drawn by Rafeeki and a magnet of the logo to go on my radiator!!
Day 2 was obviously the Harry Potter Studio tour and I also bought some souvenirs there:
Ok, so in the Top left corner I bought a t-shirt with the Ministry of Magic logo on it, underneath I bought a few postcards, hoping to make a small collage of pictures when I get round to it!! The big yellow thing is a Hufflepuff scarf! I bought this as I am in that house on Pottermore! I wanted to get all 4 house crests and I found these really cute pins! it also has the Hogwarts crest in the middle, next to the pins I got 2 keyrings, one being a Hufflepuff quidditch crest and the other representing The Deathly Hallows
At the studios there was photo opportunities and of course we took them! this is the 'frame' that they come in and below is the 2 I purchased and the souvenir guidebook
The first picture is of me on a broom flying over Hogwarts, my mum thinks I look like a model in that picture and Lea said I looked like a victoria's secret model....Carmen..I think its Carmen Electra but I am unsure! The second picture is of me and my friend being silly!
I also purchased a Chocolate Frog! These were bought in the films from Honeydukes sweet shop in Hogsmede and off the trolley in the Hogwarts express
I think it is only fitting that my card inside was the founder of the Hufflepuff house!!
On the final day there were 3 main hauls to do:
First was what I bought at the Sherlock Holmes Museum:
The top item is just a postcard which I will be sending to friends across the pond! Underneath are 2 small plaques, like you would find for a street sign, I bought the Baker street one and then the second I saw on the door on the way out of the museum and it made me giggle so I decided to buy that one too. However, now i am not sure where to put these!!!
The Second shopping on that day was a shop on Shaftsbury Ave called Forbidden Planet which is a cult and TV mega store. They have stuff from films and TV:

From top right: I bought a bottle of Tru: Blood from the TV show True Blood which I am a MASSIVE fan of!! Each year i go to London I buy one, this is number 3! Next is a keyring for my dad for fathers day, it's from the TV show Only Fools and horses, I bought a couple of badges to pin on my pin board 2 Ghostbuster ones and a neighbourhood witch one, in the bottom left is a Breakfast at Tiffany's shopping list pad which is now on my radiator! then I got a Breakfast at Tiffany's notebook to place on my desk, That film is one of my favourites and I am a big Audrey Hepburn fan! I may blog about her and Marilyn another time!! underneath the pad is a Gremlins pen, complete impulse buy in the sale basket so I could use it at work! and Finally another book to add to my 'Library' in my room The hound of the baskervilles. it kind of speaks for itself really!!
Finally, there was a Disney store! now my mission was to buy a tiara for my holiday because my friend say's I belong in a Disney film so on holiday I will wear it!:
Ok, it is pretty clear that there is a Minnie Mouse there! I bought her to go on my bed but I didn't want to get one of the new ones that was pink, she is the original style Minnie and is so cute! underneath her is the tiara!! it is Rapunzel's from Tangled :) on the left is a small box which contains a mini vinylmation figure from the snow white series, on the right is the cutest bear from the new pixar film Brave which has yet to be released and finally is a london mickey key ring which I will be sending my friend who has just got herself a new house (I say just she has been there a bit now!!)
I always get a re-usable bag and this time I got the Brave one (the only 2 I didn't have was this one and a world mickey one)
These are the different figures you could get. Each box is sealed and you don't know which one you have
Vinylmation is a small vinyl type figure in the shape of mickey mouse for different characters (ie they are all the same shape with the ears but have the picture of their character's hard to verbalise!!)
I was so excited when I saw they had Snow White ones! I have recently become obsessed with the abc show Once Upon a Time (Blog to follow!) and abc is owned by Disney so I was soooo excited!! the main characters include Snow White so getting quite obsessed with that Disney film even though it is already one of my favourites!!
I got the bluebird on and as you can see it is Mickey Mouse shaped but is painted/printed like a bluebird!!
And that is it for the haul!
Megs x